Writer offers view on consolidation

Gov. Chris Christie supports the consolidation of municipal administrations and local services in New Jersey. Municipal government consolidation has pros and cons.

The governor calls local rule advocates a matter of “provincial selfishness.”

The supporters of merging reform float the idea of saving money for the taxpayer, while maintaining service standards through fiscal efficiency.

Opponents of consolidation say the idea is flawed and little tax savings would be realized with only diminishing services. This point of view comes with local responsibility and accountability to the people.

Today there are 50-plus municipalities in Monmouth County. For this system to work, these administrations must be readily responsive to the taxpayer; otherwise, we are paying a premium for marginal service. If local provincial government is complacent or unapproachable, it makes no sense to pay for a premium product. Local rule must be accessible and user-friendly; otherwise, the local government has no benefit to the customer. It is like a big warehouse chain vs. mom and pop on Main Street. They both have benefits.

Let’s assume Main Street provincial rule is the way to go. Then taxpayers are entitled to service excellence and energy. Otherwise, the consolidation proposal is correct, and local provincial rule will become a dinosaur.

Joseph J. Ferdinando
Freehold Township