Republicans in the Legislature really have sunk to a new low. Back in March, almost all of them voted to pass the “Sandy Victims’ Bill of Rights,” legislation sponsored by state Senate President Steve Sweeney that mandated transparency in the Sandy recovery process and accountability from the Christie administration. The bill passed unanimously in the Senate and Assembly. The legislation was on the side of the victims and wouldn’t have cost New Jersey taxpayers anything.
The governor vetoed the bill because it highlighted how poorly he designed and implemented the recovery process. I know this firsthand because my parents have been displaced from their Sea Bright home for the past 20 months and counting.
When Senate President Sweeney tried to override the governor’s veto on June 23, not a single Republican voted with him. These are the same people who voted for the bill in March. They were for it before they were against it.
These Republicans are shameless and lack integrity. They play politics with people’s lives because they are afraid of the wrath of Christie. But these politicians should realize that their “leader” will be out of office one day, and Sandy victims and all voters who care about good governance will remember their betrayal of them.
Thank you, Sweeney, for fighting for my family and thousands like them by standing up to Gov. Christie. Thomas J. Largey Sea Bright