Kol Am moves into temple

FREEHOLD — After moving from one location to another for 12 years, Congregation Kol Am announced it has rented permanent space at the Freehold Jewish Center, Broad Street, Freehold Borough.

Congregation Kol Am, a Reform Jewish congregation, has a membership of 70 families, according to a press release.

During the congregation’s existence, religious services, meetings, classes and events have been held in public schools, diners, delis, homes and other places.

For the past year, the congregation’s religious school students met in rooms at the Freehold Jewish Center.

Congregation Kol Am expressed its gratitude to Mark and Penny Estomin, the owners of Calgo Gardens in Howell, who have generously allowed the synagogue to meet inside their building and outdoors at the site whenever needed.

On June 20, the congregation held its final service at the West Freehold School, Freehold Township.

Calgo Gardens, 462 Adelphia Road, Howell, will be the meeting place for Friday night services through Aug. 1.

Congregation Kol Am’s first Friday night service at the Freehold Jewish Center will be at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 8.

Rented space from Congregation Agudath Achim at the Freehold Jewish Center will include a sanctuary, classrooms, office space, a room for meetings, a place for youth activities and storage space, according to the press release.

Congregation Kol Am will be sharing the synagogue’s dairy kitchen and will strictly abide by dietary laws as desired by Congregation Agudath Achim, according to the press release.

Each congregation will have its own sanctuary, and Torahs and other religious items will not be shared.

Brooks R. Susman of Freehold Township is the founding rabbi of Congregation Kol Am and the author of the prayer book T’filat Kol Am. He remains the congregation’s spiritual leader.

Susman is an adjunct professor at Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, teaching philosophy, history, and Bible as literature. He has served on the Freehold Township Human Relations Council since January 2001.