By Mary Ellen Day, Special Writer
Manville Area Knights of Columbus St. Jude Council 6573 presented the Arc of Somerset County in Manville with a donation Tuesday morning.
Members Andy Hando, Tony Scarpantonio and John Nieliwocki presented a check for $675 to Lauren Panarella, the Arc’s executive director.
Ms. Panarella was happy for the continued support.
"I love seeing you guys every year," she told them. "I think that the Knights have always been outstanding community partners and I think this just represents the support that you give the community in whole and particular are citizens with disabilities," she said.
The money was raised from collections in the late spring at Christ the Redeemer and St. Mary’s, according to Mr. Hando. It is a nationwide fundraiser every council does for their local ARC.
Mr. Hando was proud to show one of the things that the Knights of Columbus do as they collected the funds for the ARC.
"The citizens with disabilities is a national charity for us as the Knights of Columbus across the country help out with the Special Olympics and fundraisers for the ARC in different areas. We give back."
The ARC of Somerset is an organization for individuals with disabilities and their families that provide services, such as the early childhood center Jerry Davis Center in Manville. There are have 26 homes with residents throughout the county, they have a summer camp in Warren and also have four employment centers where they provide jobs for people with disabilities.
There are several scholarship programs in the ARC that the funds will help out with families to overcome financial barriers for camps and day care programs for the 1,000 or so children and adults the ARC serves.
"I am glad that we have an opportunity to help and that they are organizations like you (ARC) that extend a hand to help others who are less fortunate," said Mr. Nieliwocki.
Mr. Hando said he wished the donation could be larger. "I wish it could be more but people are giving what they can." Ms. Panarella said it didn’t matter because "it is outstanding that you continue to do so well because it is very generous despite the economy. People still have their communities in their hearts."