N.J residents are choosing to ‘skip the trip’

I t was about a year ago that the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) began mailing its first batch of Skip the Trip notices to our customers, affording a majority of New Jersey citizens the opportunity to renew their driver’s license or nondriver IDs by mail.

The Christie administration and the MVC are pleased to announce that, in this short time, over 1 million people have elected to “skip the trip” to their local motor vehicle agency.

This program not only takes one more item off an already packed “to-do” list, but it has led to shorter wait times in our agencies and better service for those who must come in person to conduct business.

It is safe and secure, and it allows our residents to spend their time doing the things they want to do. We are proud of the many ways the Christie administration and the MVC have worked tirelessly to improve the customer experience and make our services more convenient to the public.

We encourage everyone who is eligible to take us up on our offer to stay home and renew their license or ID card through the mail.

To take advantage of our existing online services, or to find out more information about the Skip the Trip program, visit us online at www.njmvc.gov. Raymond P. Martinez Chairman and Chief Administrator N.J. Motor Vehicle Commission
