Exhibit celebrates ‘Beauties and Icons’


 “Cat Woman” “Cat Woman” The beauty of women from the 1950s and 1960s is featured in “Beauty and Icons,” a collection of images by area resident Michelle Weadock at Concrete Galleries, an art space at Salon Concrete in Red Bank.

Weadock’s charcoal drawings of iconic women take on a slightly dark twist, as some of the subjects appear in classic horror films. Along with the portraits, her collection of butterfly drawings will be on display.

Weadock is an emerging, self-taught artist who began working at a local haunted attraction doing makeup and applying prosthetics on the actors. She works in diverse media, ranging from photography to face painting.

To view more of her work, visit www.facebook.com/michelleweadockart.

Salon Concrete is located at 123 Broad St., Red Bank.

 “Horn-Rimmed (Marilyn Monroe)” “Horn-Rimmed (Marilyn Monroe)”