Dana Krug for school board

Dawn O’Brien, Princeton Junction 
To the editor:
I am writing today to express my support for Dana Krug in her campaign for reelection to the West Windsor Plainsboro Board of Education. I have had the privilege to work with Dana as board members for Community Middle School PTSA. In her role as co-president, Dana demonstrated great leadership, the ability to handle complicated issues and to consistently listen to differing opinions and ultimately make thoughtful decisions. Her commitment to furthering the educational excellence provided to our students is always evident. Dana is keenly aware that providing each child with the tools to succeed is a complicated process. Dana is an advocate for differentiated learning, which helps to ensure that each student is challenged to succeed to the best of their ability.
Dana’s main concern has always been how to provide our students with an excellent education, while always being mindful of the board’s fiscal responsibility to the taxpayers. Her professional experience as a project manager for Dow Jones and her current position as the Board of Education Finance Committee Chairwoman show that she is highly qualified to serve West Windsor residence as our representative on the board. This year’s election will be held on Tuesday, November 4. I encourage you to cast your vote for Dana Krug.
Dawn O’Brien 
Princeton Junction 