Catholic Charities director named to national committee

 Marianne Majewski Marianne Majewski METUCHEN — Marianne Majewski, executive director of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen, has been appointed to a national committee that provides guidance and a look into the realities of local social service providers.

Majewski was chosen as a member of the executive committee of the Council of Diocesan Directors for Catholic Charities USA, which provides input on priorities for national leadership, arranges formation and support of new and existing local agency directors, and helps ensure continuous improvement in the Catholic Charities network’s provision of social services to those in need.

“I am very humbled and honored to be selected with a position on this council,” Majewski said. “It is … gratifying to see the hard work of this agency recognized by our national representatives, and I look forward to strengthening our continuing work to help individuals and families in need.”

She manages Catholic Charities’ 114 social service programs in the four counties of the Diocese — Middlesex, Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren. Catholic Charities, Diocese of Metuchen, served more than 59,000 adults and children last year.

The executive committee is composed of local leaders from Catholic Charities around the country. Each member serves a three-year term.