Kent Road due for upgrades

HOWELL — The Township Council has taken action that is expected to address troublesome issues on Kent Road.

The council will submit a grant application and execute a grant contract with the state Department of Transportation (DOT) for a road improvement project on Kent Road, according to a resolution that was passed on Oct. 21.

As it currently stands, the pavement on Kent Road has deteriorated over the years and will require repaving and full reconstruction, according to a Sept. 20 engineering projects status report from the municipality.

An S-shaped curve on Kent Road will be the main focus of the repaving, according to the report. The existing cross slope of the road will be replaced with a super-elevated curve to meet standards authorized by the DOT.

The preliminary design plan for the road improvements on Kent Road include slight curve realignment, super-elevation, drainage installation, partial curb work and full pavement reconstruction, according to the report.

As of 2013, the speed limit on Kent Road was 35 mph, and signs were installed warning drivers to slow down.

Officials did not say when the improvements on Kent Road could begin.

In other business, the council adopted an ordinance that will enforce safety throughout The Villages adult community.

The ordinance was introduced on Oct. 7 and adopted on Oct. 21 following a public hearing.

In recent years, The Villages has experienced motorists entering the development through the exit and exiting through the entrance, as well as speeders, according to resident Barbara Dixel.

According to the ordinance, if a resident or a motorist in The Villages witnesses someone committing what they believe to be a traffic safety violation, he or she can report it to the Police Department, which can enforce motor vehicle statutes.

— Taylor M. Lier