LAMBERTVILLE: Man faces DUI charges in two states


Jon Patrick, 44, of New Hope, faces charges of driving while under the influence in two states after his arrest on at 2:27 a.m. Monday.
Lambertville Lt. Robert Brown saw Mr. Patrick’s vehicle as it allegedly failed to stop at a red light at North Union and Bridge streets in Lambertville. Mr. Patrick reportedly failed to stop when Lt. Brown activated the patrol car’s overhead lights, and continued into Pennsylvania, where Mr. Patrick was eventually stopped on Route 32 in New Hope, police said.
Police said they determined him to be under the influence of alcohol and New Hope police took him into custody. He was later released on his own say-so for the DUI charged.
Lt. Brown charged Mr. Patrick with DUI, failure to observe an officer’s signal, careless driving and eluding. He was given a pending court date for all charges.