Our Lady of Lourdes (OLOL) Parish, 44 Cleveland Ave., Milltown, will host its Christmas Bazaar 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 6.
The event will offer a day of holiday shopping, food and family activities. Highlights will include an Old-Fashioned Bake Sale; a New-to-You Christmas booth; a Country Christmas booth; a book booth; a vintage jewelry booth; a stocking stuffer booth; “nearly new” toys; a “Frozen” booth offering prizes related to the popular film; games for children; basket raffles including a Gift Card Christmas Tree Raffle and a Magic Christmas Tree; and vendors offering crafts, jewelry, designer bags, candy, toys, specialty foods, grave covers and wreaths. Breakfast and lunch items will be available.
The Knights of Columbus annual Breakfast With Santa also will take place Dec. 6, with seatings at 9 and 10:30 a.m. Advance registration and payment may be arranged by calling 732-828-0011.
For more information on both events, call the church rectory at 732-828-0011.