New Jersey Repertory Company presents “Swimming at the Ritz,” based on the life of socialite Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman, who was appointed the U.S. ambassador to France in 1993 by former President Bill Clinton. The show will have a limited engagement from Jan. 8 to Feb. 1.
Harriman was dubbed the ultimate “party girl” among society’s elite. Living the idyllic life at the luxurious Ritz in Paris for years, Harriman, who was married to the son of Winston Churchill, had no problem spending her stepchildren’s inheritance on her extravagant lifestyle. However, her stepchildren ultimately had enough and conspired with their attorneys to shut her down.
On the edge of losing everything, Harriman is left with her only remaining friend, a handsome Italian valet at the Paris Ritz Hotel. There, she reveals her journey in a comical yet compelling manner.
The cast includes Judith Hawking and Christopher Daftsios, and is directed by SuzAnne Barabas. Sneak-preview performances begin on Jan. 8, with an opening night on Jan. 10 at New Jersey Repertory Company, 179 Broadway, Long Branch. Tickets may be purchased by calling 732-229-3166 or visiting