By Nancy Mrzljak
   Cub Scout Pack 55 of Chesterfield Township will celebrate the birthday of Cub Scouting and its 50th year of Scouting and service in the Chesterfield Township area with a Blue and Gold banquet at 6:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 6, at the Chesterfield Township Elementary School, 30 Saddle Way.
   Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of the worldwide Boy Scout movement, as portrayed by John Kelly, is expected to make a visit and express his gratitude to the Scouts for keeping the flame of the Scouting movement alive and well in Chesterfield Township.
   Displays of Scouting in the Chesterfield Township area will be exhibited. All former Scouts of Pack 55 are invited to attend.
   Visit to sign up. The cost is $10 per person for adults and $5 per child under 12.
   For further information about this event and/or Pack 55 of Chesterfield, contact Rex A. van Veldhuisen, Pack 55 committee chairman, at 908-217-2083.
   The Board of Fire Commissioners District No. 2 Chesterfield meeting will be held 8 p.m., Monday, Feb. 9, at the Chesterfield firehouse.
   For more information, visit Chesterfield Hose Company’s website at
   The Chesterfield Township Emergency Squad Drill Night will be held 7:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 9, at the Chesterfield Township Emergency Squad building.
   For more information, visit the township website at
   The Chesterfield Township Emergency Squad is always looking for new members.
   EMT school is paid for by the squad after a year of service. Contact Fran Falkowski at 609-298-6488.
   The Chesterfield Township Against Substance Abuse meeting will be held 3:45 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, at the Chesterfield Township Elementary School.
   For more information, visit the school’s website at
   The Union Fire Co. District No. 1 meeting will be held 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, at the Crosswicks firehouse.
   For more information, visit the Union Fire Company website at
   The Chesterfield Township Keen Agers meeting will be held at noon, Wednesday, Feb. 11, at the Chesterfield Hose Co. firehouse.
   Any Chesterfield resident 55 and over is welcome to attend.
   Keen Agers meetings are held two times a month the second and fourth Wednesdays. Meetings are held January through June and September through December. There are no meetings in July and August.
   Dues are $3 per year.
   Keen Agers meetings begin with a potluck lunch, which is served at noon, and members bring whatever they would like to share. At 1 p.m., various guest speakers, including the local police, are featured.
   For more information, call Janet at 609-98-6547.
   The Crosswicks Community Association will be hosting a blood drive from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, March 1, in conjunction with the Community Blood Council of New Jersey.
   Donate and help save a life. For more information, contact the Community Blood Council at 609-883-9750 or visit
   The Chesterfield Township free rabies clinic will be held 9 to 11 a.m., Saturday, March 7, at the Chesterfield Township Municipal Building.
   All dogs 6 months old or older or having a permanent set of teeth must have a dog license. Dog licenses are processed at the Police Department office during normal business hours.
   Be advised a dog license cannot be issued if the rabies vaccination expires in the current year.
   Dog license renewal forms were mailed in January to all homeowners who previously licensed their dogs in Chesterfield Township.
   To renew a dog license, send the form and any necessary documentation with the required fee to Chesterfield Township. dog registrar, 300 Bordentown-Chesterfield Road, Chesterfield, New Jersey, 08515, by March 31 or renew or get a new dog license at the Police Department during normal business hours, Monday through Friday.
   For more information, call Dog Registrar Aggie Napoleon at 609-291-0912 during office hours 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
   The Chesterfield Township Board of Education regular meeting schedule for the rest of 2015 is as follows: Feb. 18, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15,Aug. 19, Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16.
   The meetings take place at 7:30 p.m. in the media center of the Chesterfield Township Elementary School at 30 Saddle Way in Chesterfield.
   For more information, call 609-298-0307 or visit
   Be sure to mark your calendar for the Crosswicks Community Association Comedy Night.
   The event will be held Saturday, March 28. This event is for the over-21 crowd; BYOB.
   For more information, visit
   The Chesterfield Township Public Education Fund’s second annual April Fools’ Run will be held Saturday, March 28, starting at the Chesterfield Township Elementary School, 30 Saddle Way, Chesterfield.
   After a successful first year, the Chesterfield Township Public Education Fund is looking forward to its second run. Join the 5K and/or the 1-mile family fun run and walk.
   Proceeds from last year’s event helped fund educational resources in the classrooms.
   Registration is open. For more information, visit or visit
   To contact Chesterfield Chatter guest columnist Nancy Mrzljak, send an email to [email protected], a fax to 609-298-3936, or call her at 609-298-0567. For more chatter, visit