Suzanne Gitomer, president, Lambertville Historical Society and LHS board of trustees
The board of trustees of the Lambertville Historical Society wishes to thank so very many in our area for supporting our third Lambertville En Plein Air fundraiser.
On Jan. 17,m more than 200 people filled the Rago Arts & Auction Center to attend our silent auction benefiting the Lambertville Historical Society and James Marshall House Museum. Guests enjoyed food, drinks and live music, while bidding on 35 paintings produced by 24 New Jersey and Pennsylvania plein air artists. It was a great success!
Thanks to our event curators Ed Dumchus and Jane Wesby, from River Queen Artisans Gallery in Lambertville, for hanging our paintings. Thanks, too, to the many restaurants that donated delicious food: Annie’s Gourmet to Go & Caterers, Anton’s at the Swan, Bell’s Tavern, Bowman’s Tavern, Cafe Blue Moose, Caffe Galleria, Di Napoli’s, Hamilton’s Grill Room, The Hearth, Lambertville Station, O Wow Cow Creamery, Rick’s, Rojo’s Roastery, Taste of the World, and Tortuga Cucina.
Thanks also to PageOne Creative Group and Wonderful World of Wine.
Finally, we thank Rago Arts and Auction Center for donating their lovely space so graciously each year.
Fabulous music was provided by local musicians The Lifters.
And of course we want to thank all the artists who donated part of the proceeds from their artwork: Kenn Backhaus, Robert Bohne, Jeffrey Charlesworth, Valerie Craig, Kit Dalton, Fred Danziger, Alyce Grunt, Dorothy Hoeschen, Patricia Walach Keough, Kay King, Anne Kullaf, Christine Marx, Debbie Pisacreta, Pratima Rao, J. Stacy Rogers, Gwenn Rubin, Carol Sanzalone, Colette Sexton, Joe Sweeney, Kelly Sullivan, Jas Szygiel, George Thompson and JC Turner.
A special thanks to the following individuals who helped with the planning of the event: Caroline Armstrong, Deborah Galen, Holly Havens, Naomi Drew, Sandra Harris, Liz Riegel and Irene Rudolph.
Finally, thanks to all the volunteers and helpers for our silent auction. We couldn’t do it without you!