Missy Zeier, Princeton
A few thoughts:
- SIDEWALKS — Walk on them not on the road. If you have a sidewalk it is your responsibility (and the law) to clear it after a storm — and yes, I do have a sidewalk.
- STUDENTS attending colleges in Princeton (who do not pay property taxes) should not have a vote on local issues.
- DOGS — Clean up after them when you’re out taking a walk — and yes, I have a dog.
- BIKE LANES — I get it on major roads like Washington (where there is actually room for a bike lane) but they are not necessary and don’t belong on roads like Poe. Are you considering the rights of the home owners (like parking and placing leaves and branches out for pick up)? Do all the people who are pushing for these bike lanes have them on their streets?
- PLASTIC and PAPER BAGS — Really charge 10 cents for every plastic and paper bag used! What’s wrong with PAPER? When I buy cookies, dates and raisins at Whole Earth will I be charged an extra 10 cents for every little paper bag I use? Wwhen I get take out food will I be paying extra? If I’m buying a sweater downtown do I put that sweater in the same reusable bag that I used at the grocery store and carried my Chinese take out home in? How many plastic bottles of water do those who are pushing for this discard a day?
Let’s be reasonable about all of this.
Just do the right thing — walk on the sidewalks, keep your sidewalks clear, drivers and bikers share the road, clean up after your dog, use reuseable bags when possible.
Missy Zeier