Commemorate anniversary of freedom’s foundation

   The following letter was read as a petition to the Princeton Council at its Feb. 24 meeting:
Mayor Lempert and Princeton Council:
    Princeton has a unique and vibrant culture that draws visitors and residents from around the world to a community that believes in civil rights and civil liberties. We take the time to acknowledge the anniversaries of significant events — for instance the 350th anniversary of the founding of New Jersey (Nova Caesaria) or the 250th anniversary of Princeton University (and who can forget learning how to correctly pronounce ‘bicenquinquagenary’?). How often do we have the opportunity to commemorate an even more significant milestone?
    This summer, on June 15, 2015, the world will celebrate the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta — the Great Charter of the Liberties of England — by King John at Runneymeade on the bank of the River Thames near Windsor, arguably history’s most significant document involving the freedoms that we enjoy today. The Magna Carta is often described as “the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot.“
    Because of the principles embodied in the Magna Carta, English settlers in the American Colonies brought forth colonial charters to protect individual liberties, and eventually enshrined the protection of rights in the United States Constitution in 1789. Of course, our high school students learn about the Magna Carta in eighth grade civics, including the fact that 13 copies were made — the 13th century version of important news “going viral.”
    How often, though, do we as adults take a moment to consider — and commemorate — the continuing relevance of this event? Considering the many threats to individual liberties in today’s world, is it not time that we did?
    In recognition of this significant anniversary, we call on mayor and council to proclaim June 15, 2015, “Magna Carta Day” in Princeton. 
T. Jeffery Clarke 
Princeton 
Michael T. Bates 
Belle Mead 
Magna Carta Barons 
Somerset Chapter 