Congressman out of step with his district

I am disturbed by our congressman’s disregard for the civil rights of the men and women of this community. Congressman Chris Smith recently made this comment: “I am a strong believer in traditional marriage, and do not construe homosexual rights as human rights.” To add further outrage, Congressman Smith is co-chair on the human rights subcommittee.

Congressman Smith’s unkind comment implies there is a difference between the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals and the rights of human beings.

Congressman Smith has occupied the District 4 congressional seat for over 33 years. He portrays himself as a moderate Republican, but his position on social issues is of the most extreme in Congress on the rights of LGBT individuals and the rights of women.

Congressman Smith omits all his anti- LGBT and women legislative work from his newsletter, as he knows the majority of this community would not support his extreme agenda on the rights of LGBT individuals and women. He gets re-elected because voters are not aware of his disturbing record.

Congressman Smith’s position is out of step with our community, out of step with New Jersey, and out of step with most of America. Our representatives in Congress are elected by us to represent our values in Washington, D.C.

Congressmen write laws and policy that impact our daily lives. It is time to elect a new lawmaker in District 4 who truly represents the moderate views of this community. We need a congressman who considers our LGBT neighbors as human beings.

Bari Rosenberg
Co-founder of District 4
Coalition for Change