Representatives of Jackson fire districts 1 and 2 have announced plans to consolidate into one fire district.
Fire districts 1 and 2 are served by the Whitesville and Cassville fire companies.
At the present time, the consolidation does not include Jackson fire districts 3 and 4. On March 3, officials from fire districts 1 and 2 announced their intention to consolidate after what they said was four years of inaction from representatives of Jackson’s other two fire districts.
“Over four years, no real progress was being made, so fire districts 1 and 2 decided to just go ahead and get it done,” Fire District 1 Administrator Scott Rauch said.
According to the state Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the two fire districts will officially be consolidated on Jan. 1, 2016.
Rauch said the agreement was reached in the fall following meetings that included attorneys, accountants and both fire districts’ paid and volunteer staffs. Officials said DCA staff commended their decision to consolidate and assisted in the process.
On April 6, representatives of fire districts 1 and 2 will hold a joint public meeting at the Cassville Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, 785 Miller Ave., to review the consolidation agreement with residents.
The idea of consolidating Jackson’s fire districts is not a new one.
In recent years, commissioners from the fire districts were part of the Joint Board of Fire Commissioners, which was initially formed to increase the fire districts’ purchasing power, create a better standard of service and eventually to facilitate consolidation.
However, differences between the fire districts brought those efforts to a halt, Rauch said, as members joined and left the board over the years.
In July, Fire District No. 4, which is served by the Jackson Mills Volunteer Fire Company, pulled out of the Joint Board of Fire Commissioners just 90 days after representatives of all four fire districts agreed to pool their resources.
Although consolidation means there will no longer be a Fire District No. 1 or a Fire District No. 2, Rauch said the Whitesville Fire Company and the Cassville Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 will retain their names and colors.
“There is a lot of history and company pride that nobody wants to lose, so they are going to be able to keep that,” Rauch said. “The contract for fire protection services will be with the new board.”
Officials said the consolidation could result in tax savings for residents who live in fire districts 1 and 2. Each fire district in Jackson is supported by property taxes that are collected from property owners in that district.
“Consolidating our resources is fiscally responsible … and we are looking to save our taxpayers some money in the long run,” Fire District No. 2 Secretary Vincent Rubio said.
Once the consolidation is finalized, the new entity will need fewer staff members. Rauch said some of the positions that will be downsized include accountants and legal counsel.
“There will be a greater long-term savings for residents as we move along when it comes to equipment and the replacement of apparatus,” Rauch said.
Fire district officials said existing agreements among all four fire districts will be honored, regardless of the upcoming change. They said fire districts 3 and 4 will be welcome to join the new entity once everything is finalized.
“To bring another fire district into the process at this moment would delay it,” Rauch said. “The thought process is that we can go through the process … and then go through the avenues to bring the others on board if and when they are ready.”