SOUTH RIVER — Republican Mayor John Krenzel will seek a second four-year term as he faces challenger Thomas Roselli, a Democrat and former council president, in this year’s municipal election.
Two full terms on the Borough Council are also up for grabs.
Running on the Democratic ticket for council are Ryan Jones, an attorney for the GluckWalrath law firm, and incumbent Councilman Shawn Haussermann, who is seeking a second three-year term.
The Republican candidates for council are Rupesh Patel and Joao “John” Sapata.
Donna Farren, chairwoman of the South River Republican Organization, said the incumbent mayor and his running mates would seek to keep municipal costs low, maintain a transparent borough government and invest in the town’s infrastructure.
“We will work diligently on providing value to better support our community, attract more of what’s beneficial to our community and position ourselves for a sustainable and prosperous future,” Farren said.
Tele Koukourdelis, chairman of the South River Democratic Organization, said the Democratic candidates would primarily focus on controlling spending and keeping taxes stable.
“I cannot wait to get this slate out talking to the voters,” Koukourdelis said in a statement. “The Democrats have always asked, ‘How does this directly impact the residents of the town?’ Projects, spending and tax increases need to be put through that test every time.”
South River residents will have the opportunity to cast their votes for mayor and council in the municipal election on Nov. 3.