Members named to Green Team

Staff Writer

HOWELL — The Township Council has appointed members to a municipal board whose goal will be to preserve and protect Howell’s environmental resources.

Mayor Bill Gotto said the panel, which is known as the Green Team, will be eligible to receive funding. The group will work to preserve and protect the community’s natural resources.

Officials said re-establishing the Green Team will ensure there is clean air and water for residents, and improve residents’ quality of life.

One of the panel’s primary goals will be to focus on “green” issues, starting with an audit of municipal facilities and operations, as well as operational changes Howell officials may take to lessen the environmental impact of the municipality’s operations.

Members of the Green Team are Gotto, Township Council members Bob Walsh, Robert Nicastro, Pauline Smith and Edward Guz, purchasing agent Estitta Bushkin, public works director George Gravatt, Director of Community Development Jim Herrman, Environmental Commission member Nicholas Huszar, Senior Citizen Advisory Committee member Gerard Barron, Shade Tree Commission member Charles Senders and Lake Restoration and Wildlife Committee member Maryann Sernak.

A member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment will also be appointed to the Green Team, according to Gotto.

The panel has been charged with submitting a report to the council by Oct. 1 that will include an audit of municipal facilities, an evaluation of municipal fleet vehicles and a report of suggested best practices for “greener” municipal operations.

“The team will collaborate with township employees, service providers and other governmental agencies to share resource information and ideas consistent with the mission of the [Green Team],” according to a resolution passed by the council.