By Jennifer Kohlhepp, Managing Editor
EAST WINDSOR — Voters cast ballots Tuesday to select the Democrats and Republicans that will vie for the four open Township Council seats in the November election.
Democratic Mayor Janice S. Mironov, who is looking to serve her 20th consecutive year as mayor if she wins in the fall and council members re-elect her to the position, was the top vote-getter in the primary election with 329 votes. Her running mates, Deputy Mayor Marc Lippman and Councilmen Peter V. Yeager and John H. Zoller, each received 294, 296 and 290 votes, respectively.
Republican Paul “PJ” Hummel received the most votes for the GOP ticket, earning 151. His running mates Steve J. Uccio and Darren Feist received 135 and 128 votes, respectively. Republican Sean O’Connor earned 31 write-in votes and has decided to take a place on the November ballot.
The top four vote-getters in the November election will earn four-year term seats on the Town Council.
“We’d like to thank all the people who came out to vote for us in the primary on June 2,” Mr. Uccio said. “It was a great show of support, as well as being essential to securing our fourth candidate through a write-in campaign. During our door-to-door campaigning we were met with an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response from people who want some new faces on Town Council.”
The slate of GOP candidates believes East Windsor needs a new website, Facebook account, and recorded township meetings available online to keep residents informed.
“We want to empower voters with exciting ballot questions about directly voting for our mayor, term limits, and council salary reductions,” Mr. Uccio said. “Our debt, of over $21 million and growing, is of great concern to us and lowering it is our top priority. We’re very excited for the chance to lead East Windsor forward. We again thank everyone for their support and for their continued support on Nov. 3.”
Mayor Mironov said she looks forward to actively campaigning with her teammates on their extensive record of accomplishments for the community.
“We have a fiscally conservative record of keeping the municipal tax rate low, with no tax increases in the recent years, maintaining low debt levels and pro-actively and successfully obtaining grants and private support to fund major programs and activities for East Windsor,” Mayor Mironov said. “At the same time, we have continued high-quality services through our extraordinary public works department, our capable dedicated police department, as well as our construction officials, recreation department and senior citizens services.”
The mayor said she and her running mates have also brought in many new stores and businesses, which generate jobs and expand the tax base, and have many new commercial projects moving forward this year as well.
“We are proud of our many environmental initiatives, including increasing our preserved open space and farmland, launch of a community garden, Sustainable Jersey “green” bronze certification and re-certification, and many expanded recycling programs,” she said. “We have developed additional recreation opportunities, created new parks including the new grant-funded playing fields on Disbrow Hill Road, and greatly expanded pathways throughout the township. We constructed a new senior center using grants and donations, and have since continued to expand programs for seniors.”
The mayor added, “We make ourselves very accessible and available and work hard to outreach to residents and respond to their needs. We hope to again earn the trust and support of township voters this November.”
Deputy Mayor Lippman said he is very excited to be running for re-election.
“Our team, under the leadership of Mayor Mironov, is dedicated to continue improving the quality of life in East Windsor. Our passion for open space, new parks, along with our experience in attracting commercial rateables, resulting in another year of no increase on our municipal tax base, demonstrates our experience in fiscal spending and management, and responsibility. We are committed to continue to serve the residents of East Windsor, in a way they would be proud.”
Mr. Zoller said he would like to share his thoughts on the success of the lcoal government over the last four years as he finishes his first term on the East Windsor Council.
“They be can summarized by attributing the work of the mayor, council and municipal staff as a coordinated team that gets results, and as the actions of the individual members that make their contributions meaningful,” Mr. Zoller said. “From the performance of the many boards, commissions, committees and departments as working groups, to the strong efforts of each serving member, I have seen what teamwork can accomplish. Looking forward to the general election, I want to continue to be a part of this great township as a resident, a local business employee, and to continue serving on East Windsor Township Council.”