
MONTGOMERY: Ridin’ and ropin’ at the rodeo

MONTGOMERY — Professional riders and ropers put their skills on display this weekend at the Montgomery Rodeo, an event that raises money for local charities.
Last year the Montgomery Rodeo distributed $25,000 to its charities, including: Crawford House, Eden Autism Services, Montgomery EMS, Montgomery Township PBA, Montgomery Woman’s Club, Montgomery Township Volunteer Fire Cos. No. 1 and No. 2, Rocky Hill First Aid and Rescue, Montgomery Business Association, and the Drift Scholarship Fund, which provides money for the athletics and arts departments at Montgomery High School.
 Held at the Daube Farm on Sunset Road, the rodeo was brought to the area by the Drift family, an event “built around family fun, while giving superbly professional rodeo entertainment.”
The events included bucking broncos, bull riding, team penning, calf roping and barrel racing.
In addition, there were events for children which included mutton busting, the calf scramble and the stick horse race.
Competitors are members of the American Professional Rodeo Association and vie for points as well as cash prizes. 