Healthcare Quality Strategies Inc. (HQSI), a member of the Quality Insights Quality Innovation Network, is partnering with the Evergreen Senior Center to provide free diabetes education as part of the Everyone with Diabetes Counts (EDC) program.The workshops, created by the Stanford School of Medicine, help individuals take control of their diabetes and change their life. Participants will learn about diabetes and its risks, the role of diet and exercise, how to deal with pain, fatigue and depression, how to effectively communicate with healthcare providers, managing medications, and much more.
The six-week workshop series will be offered at the Evergreen Senior Center, located at 400 Inman Ave. in Colonia. Workshops will occur Tuesdays,Aug. 4 to Sept. 8 from 1-3:30 p.m.
Admission is free.
For more information or to register for these workshops, call the Senior Center at 732-726-6262.There can be no new attendees after the second session. If you need transportation, register by July 21 so arrangements can be made.