To the editor:
We are proud to represent New Jersey’s 16th Legislative District and honored to once again be on the ballot for this year’s New Jersey General Assembly election.
Being a candidate for elected office is a privilege. And so, we offer congratulations to our opponents for their nomination.
We look forward to a spirited campaign that focuses attention squarely on issues relevant to citizens of the district and state. Indeed, citizens stand to benefit greatly from our Assembly race, provided everyone is committed to running an issue-based campaign.
Citizens are more than familiar with the term “silly season,” which is used to describe election campaigns that sometimes devolve into exercises that actually discourage voter participation. Our sincere hope is that this Assembly race will not have this effect on voters . . . that this contest will not be a campaign ultimately characterized as “silly”. . . that we’re better than any “smear campaign” and “gutter politics.”
Each election cycle provides an opportunity to conduct a campaign that distinguishes candidates for their integrity and genuine concern for citizens’ quality of life. Let us assertively compete, but let us also conduct a campaign that encourages, not discourages, citizens.
Our goal is to serve the community; to make our state a better place to live, work and retire; and to foster an environment in which businesses, large and small, are successful.
With that in mind, we look forward to meeting with as many citizens as possible over the coming months to discuss our proposals, asking for their consideration and, more importantly, encouraging them to exercise their right to vote.
Jack M. Ciattarelli
Donna Simon
State Assembly members