Mine given temporary extension


MILLSTONE — The Township Committee has voted 5-0 to grant a temporary extension to the operators of Buck Mining and Materials, Pine Hill Road.

The committee took the action at its meeting on July 1.

Voting yes on a motion to grant a temporary extension for 30 days were Mayor Bob Kinsey and committee members Michael Kuczinski, Fiore Masci, Gary Dorfman and Nancy Grbelja.

Several issues linked to the operation of the mine have been discussed by municipal officials in recent months and the operator has been on the verge of shutting down activity at the site.

Extensions of time were sought and granted by the committee.

The mine’s operators were required by the state Department of Environmental Protection to install a basin and an outfall structure for storm management, and finally received a delivery so they could install the infrastructure.

The operator asked for permission to sell some excavated material because the sheer amount posed a challenge to the installation of the basin, municipal officials said.

Township Engineer Matt Shafai agreed with the operator that in the absence of a stabilized area, some material had to be removed from the site and could be sold.

Shafai recommended that the owners move 20,000 to 30,000 cubic yards of material from the mine. He said he will revisit the site and report back at the end of the 30- day operating period.

Dorfman said public safety must be a priority in any issues dealing with the mine’s operation.