John Michael Rosenkranz, son of John and Sharon Rosenkranz of Allentown, graduated with cum laude honors with a bachelor of music in film scoring from Berklee College of Music, Boston, Massachusetts. John is a 2009 graduate of Allentown High School.

Narissa Jones of Allentown graduated with a bachelor of science in psychology from York College of Pennsylvania, York, Pennsylvania.

Robert Doherty of Allentown graduated with a bachelor of arts in criminology from Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Amber McGarvey, daughter of Kevin and Kathleen McGarvey of Millstone Township, graduated with a bachelor of arts in history and environmental sciences from Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Amber, who is a 2011 graduate of Allentown High School, was president and assistant captain of the women’s Ultimate Frisbee team.