Bulletin Board

– School board candidacy deadline July 27

Residents who want to run for a seat on their local school board in the Nov. 3 election must file a nominating petition by 4 p.m. July 27.

Interested citizens can find information about the responsibilities of school board membership, qualifications for office, nominating petitions and candidacy timelines on the New Jersey School Boards Association website at www.njsba.org/candidacy.

“Local school boards have a direct impact on the education received by New Jersey’s schoolchildren,” NJSBA President Donald Webster Jr. said. “The board of education sets the goals and policies that represent the community’s aspirations for its public schools. The board selects the district’s superintendent and acts on his or her personnel recommendations. It negotiates collective bargaining agreements with teachers and other employees, and it makes critical decisions affecting curriculum, budgeting and facilities.

“Local school board membership is an unpaid and challenging public service, but it is also a rewarding public service that has a direct impact on the lives of our children and the quality of life in our communities,” he said.

Webster has served on the Manchester Township School District Board of Education in Ocean County for more than 17 years.

For their names to be placed on the Nov. 3 election ballot, citizens seeking school board office must file a nominating petition at the Office of the County Clerk by the 4 p.m. July 27 deadline. A nominating petition must be signed by at least 10 registered voters in the school district.

According to the NJSBA, 90 percent of the state’s school boards conduct their elections in November. The remaining school boards hold elections in April or are appointed. Citizens can verify if their district conducts a November election by calling the local board of education office, according to the press release.

– Talk will shed light on WWII mysteries

Dr. Angus Kress Gillespie will present a program titled “Unsolved Mysteries From World War II” 2 p.m. Aug. 5 at the Monroe Township Public Library, 4 Municipal Plaza.

Topics will include the Philadelphia Experiment and other unsolved mysteries. Registration is not required. The event is open to the public.

For more information, log on to www.monroetwplibrary.org or call the library at 732-521-5000.

– South Amboy Elks to host ‘Tiki Night’

The South Amboy Elks will host “Tiki Night” 7 p.m.-11 p.m. July 25 at the lodge, 601 Washington Ave., South Amboy.

There will be food, music and prizes. Bring a hula skirt for the hula contest.

The donation is $20 per person.

For tickets, visit the lodge or call Donna at 732-754-7180.

– Vendor spots available at O.B. Salt Water Day

Vendors are sought for Old Bridge Salt Water Day planned for 2-10 p.m. Aug. 8 on the Laurence Harbor beachfront.

The event will feature amusements, food, crafts, fireworks and entertainment.

For more information or to reserve a space, email Lisa Valsera at [email protected] or call 732-721-5600, ext. 4999. For a vendor application, log on to www.oldbridge.com.

– Legion, Dems plan fundraising picnic

South River American Legion Post No. 214, 264 Whitehead Ave., in partnership with the South River Democratic Organization, will hold a fundraising picnic to celebrate and raise money for the post veterans 1-5 p.m. July 26.

The family event, which will take place rain or shine, will feature a barbecue, horseshoes and beer for guests ages 21 and above.

All are welcome to attend. Tickets, which cost $10 per person, $20 per family, may be purchased at the door.

– Car-show proceeds to benefit shelter pets

New Beginnings Animal Rescue, East Brunswick, will host its annual Rods and Paws Car Show 11 a.m.-3 p.m. July 26 at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 4699, Jernee Mill Road, Sayreville.

The event will feature homemade food and refreshments, giveaways, prizes and a 50/50 raffle. Trophies will be awarded.

Vehicle entry fee is $10 in advance, $15 on day of show. The first 50 entrants will receive a dash plaque and a goodie bag. All proceeds will support the animals at New Beginnings. Free vendor space and trophy sponsorships are available.

For more information or to register, call Walt at 732-581-4559, 2-7 p.m. daily.

– Cat-adoption event scheduled at shelter

Sammy’s Hope and Animal Rescue Force will hold a cat-adoption event 11 a.m.-3 p.m. July 25 at Sammy’s Hope Animal Welfare and Adoption Center, 1400 Main St., Sayreville (GPS address is 989 Main St.).

The event will feature music, refreshments and discounted adoption fees. Cost will be $50 to adopt adult cats; senior citizens will receive a $25 discount when adopting an adult cat. Kittens also will be available for adoption.

Sammy’s Hope is a full-time center that gives homeless dogs and cats love and care, medical attention and specialized training to help prepare them for foster and forever homes. Animal Rescue Force (ARF), co-located with Sammy’s Hope and open on weekends, also works to provide foster and forever homes for cats and dogs.

For more information, log on to www.sammyshope.org or visit the organization’s Facebook page.

– Free county-fair spots offered to nonprofits

A limited number of free spaces for nonprofit organizations are available at the Middlesex County Fair scheduled for Aug. 3-9 at the fairgrounds, 655 Cranbury Road, East Brunswick.

For more information, call 732-416-1929 or email through the vendor information at middlesexcountyfair.com.

– Seniors plan foliage cruise on the Hudson

The Sayreville Seniors Thursday Club will sponsor a Sept. 27 Hudson River fall foliage day cruise aboard the Seastreak ferry. Lunch and shopping is scheduled upon arrival in historic Cold Spring, N.Y.

The bus will leave at 6:15 a.m. from the Sayreville Senior Center, 423 Main St. Return will be at approximately 7:30 p.m.

Light refreshments will be available at the senior center before boarding the bus. Coffee will be available on the ferry.

Cost is $90. Checks should be made payable to Ann Floersch and mailed to Floersch at 12 Nimitz Place, Sayreville, NJ 08872. Nonmembers are welcome.

To reserve, call Ann at 732-254-7263. Payment is due by Aug. 1.

– ‘In the Heights’ to open July 24

The Main Street Theatre Company, 3018 Bordentown Ave., Parlin section of Sayreville, will present its production of the musical “In the Heights” 8 p.m. July 24, 25, 31 and Aug. 1, and 2 p.m. July 26.

Tickets, which cost $12 for children, $16 for seniors and students, $20 for adults, are available at www.smstc.org. For more information, call 732-553-1153.

Annual 5K will benefit veterans’ services

The fourth annual 5K Run/Walk to support veterans and their needs will be held at 9 a.m. July 26 at VFW Post 133, 485 Cranbury Rd., East Brunswick.

Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. A party will be held afterward at the VFW at 10 a.m.

The event will support Home Front Hearts and the Middlesex County Veterans Alliance.

To register, visit www.jerseyrunner.com or remit applications to the VFW post.