Helmetta seeks land for redevelopment

Staff Writer

HELMETTA — An ordinance that was introduced by the Borough Council would permit the municipal government to move forward with the acquisition of a property along Main Street, which would reserve the borough’s right to utilize eminent domain if the council deems it necessary.

The property that would be targeted is an .188-acre subdivision of a larger vacant tract owned by the Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail). The council seeks to acquire the land in association with the Helme Mill redevelopment project underway by Kaplan Companies.

“It has been determined that a portion of the building on Parcel 3 sits on Conrail property and the Borough, under the Redevelopment Agreement, would proceed with condemnation/eminent domain, if necessary,” Mayor Nancy Martin said.

Kaplan Companies requested the acquisition effort because one of the former Helme Snuff Mill buildings it is redeveloping as part its “The Lofts at Helmetta” residential apartment complex is located partially on the Conrail property.

Representatives of Conrail did not respond to several calls and emails requesting comment for this article.

The council moved to retain the Blau Appraisal Company to determine the value of the property to move forward with potential negotiations. According to the borough’s redevelopment agreement with the Kaplan Companies, the developer will pay any costs associated with the acquisition.

Jason Kaplan, president of the Highland Park-based developer, said there are 20 town home rentals included in the project, six of which are currently occupied. Kaplan also completed the redevelopment of “parcel

1,” which was deeded over to the town and includes tennis and basketball courts.

According to Kaplan, the 8,000 squarefoot community building has also been completed.

“The project is really moving at this point,” Kaplan said in an interview. He estimated total completion of the Lofts at Helmetta development by the end of 2016.