The North Brunswick Township India Day Committee is holding an essay competition for high school students.
The question is: “Not since the turn of the century has the United States experienced as much diversity as in the last two decades. While this diversity has given our country its vitality and cultural richness, it has also caused some serious problems including racism, prejudice, discrimination and lack of respect for one another. Today we have an increasing number of crimes motivated by hatred or bias. What conflict resolution program would you suggest in your school?”
The scholarship contest is open to all high school students in Middlesex County. The essay must be between 700 and 1,000 words. A copy of the student’s high school transcript must accompany the essay.
Email submissions must be in MSWord/pdf format and sent as and attachment to [email protected] by Sept. 14. Write “Scholarship Essay_ name of the student” in the subject line.
Winners must be present to personally accept the award at North Brunswick’s Heritage Day celebration on Sept. 19 at Community Park. Winners may be requested to provide an acceptance speech at the festival.
Awards of $300 for first place and $100 for second place will be granted to students with the two best original essays and who demonstrate qualities of excellence in academic work.
For more information, email Govinda Rajan at [email protected].