
PRINCETON: Ring the bell! It’s back to school for local students (with multiple photos)

Students in the Princeton Public School District hoisted their backpacks and began the new school year Tuesday.
Among the district goals is to “ensure that every child is known by promoting relationships and instruction that recognize the potential, the passions, the readiness levels and the learning styles of every student.”
The school system has 3,500 students, an enrollment figure current as of Aug. 25. The district said overall enrollment is slightly down at the elementary schools, about the same at John Witherspoon School and slightly up at Princeton High School.
High school enrollment stands at 1,565 students, compared to 1,523 when classes ended in June. School officials have said that the high school often starts the year with a high enrollment but sees the number drop because some children are in private school and have not been withdrawn from the school system.