To the editor:
As students head back to school this September The Twin Rivers
Library wants to make sure that children have the most important
school supply of all — a library card.
Owning a library card provides students with the resources they
need to compete academically. The library provides free access to data´
bases of news articles, encyclopedias and test preparation materials (ac´
cessible from home), as well as homework help and resources. In addi´
tion, The Twin Rivers Library is an easy access point for free internet.
Since a majority of school assignments now require computer use, this
is an important resource for families without computer access at home.
The library provides all types of students with the tools they need
for success. Libraries also provide young readers with exciting and
engaging programs that make learning fun. It is for these reasons that
now more than ever, a library card is the most important school supply
of all. Stop by your local library and sign up.
Barbara L. Hammer
Friends of The Twin Rivers Library
East Windsor