To the editor:
I find it disgusting that you would choose
to publish false allegations against Planned
Parenthood in your “Capitol News and Com´
ments” section without editorial screening of
the slander coming from New Jersey State
Sen. Joe Pennacchio.
There is no “state and federal loophole,” as
if a state bill would even override a federal
law. The allegation that fetal tissue is being
used to reduce wrinkles is incredulous. The
“videos” the right wing released were indepen´
dently revealed to be heavily doctored to the
extent that they were misleading, and verbal
transcripts were falsified. Planned Parenthood
has not tried to “circumvent the law.”
How could you allow this to be published
without oversight, much less under the head´
ing, “Baby Parts?” You ought to be ashamed
and embarrassed that you did not give this
item any judicious review.
Kristine Floren
East Windsor