By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
WEST WINDSOR — In the wake of the death of a West Windsor Township resident in front of Community Park on Princeton-Hightstown Road, township officials have asked Mercer County to install a green left-turn arrow at the traffic light.
In response to that request, Mercer County engineers are undertaking studies to determine whether a left-turn arrow is warranted, said Mercer County spokesman Michael Boonin.
“It is being done in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which is published by the Federal High Administration and defines the standards for installing and maintaining traffic control devices,” Mr. Boonin said Thursday.
Ruby Chiang, 43, was killed when the car in which she was riding was struck broadside by another vehicle July 26. Her husband, Robert Chiang, was driving their 2014 Acura east on Princeton-Hightstown Road and was turning left into the entrance of Community Park.
The Chiangs’ vehicle was struck on the passenger side by a 2004 Toyota driven by 18-year-old Michael Martinez, who was traveling west on Princeton-Hightstown Road. Also known as Route 571, it is a Mercer County-maintained road.
There is a traffic light at the intersection of Princeton-Hightstown Road and a left-turn lane, but no green left-turn arrow. There are green left-turn arrows, however, at other intersections on Princeton-Hightstown Road.
Several township residents made a pitch for a left-turn arrow into Community Park at Township Council’s Sept. 15 meeting. They pointed out that if there had been a left-turn arrow at the traffic light, the accident might not have occurred.
If a left-turn signal is installed, “it might alleviate the problem and we would not have such an accident. Safety is big thing for everybody here,” said Alison Miller. She questioned what it would take to have a left-turn arrow installed at the traffic light.
John Church said he is “great fan” of green left-turn arrows. He said that Princeton-Hightstown Road is “an extremely dangerous road” and that there have been several fatal motor vehicle accidents on it over the years.
“I really do not like to use that road at all. There is no shoulder and no escape. It’s a terribly hazardous road and whatever can be done to make it safer, I’m sure everyone in West Windsor would appreciate it,” Mr. Church said.
Councilman George Borek, who coached sports with Mr. Chiang, agreed that a left-turn arrow should be installed. The infrastructure is there to add a left-turn arrow to the traffic light, he said. While a left-turn arrow may not prevent all accidents, if it prevents just one, “it’s worth it,” he said.
Mayor Shing-Fu Hsueh called Mercer County officials the day after the accident to request a green left-turn arrow, Mr. Borek said. Community Park offers many athletic fields, and more children will be using the park.