Businesses will benefit by hiring people with disabilities

Ellen Moscowitz, New Brunswick
We are writing this letter to celebrate October as Disability Employment Awareness Month. We are the Advisory Board of the New Jersey Statewide Self Advocacy Network. We are self advocates, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, who support all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those who can’t advocate for themselves.
People with disabilities can do anything in employment that people without disabilities can do. It is our hope that employers will remember the reasons behind the Equal Employment Opportunity laws and hire more people with disabilities for their businesses. We also ask employers to be open-minded when it comes to hiring people with disabilities and to make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities who apply for jobs. We ask employers not to judge us on our disabilities, but on our performance on the job.
People with disabilities are an untapped pool of individuals who would benefit any business or company. All that people with disabilities ask for is the opportunity to be hired and treated like any other employee. People with disabilities would also like to be paid fair wages for our hard work.
People with disabilities have shown throughout the years to be very loyal, dependable and hard-working individuals.
Thank you for supporting October as Disability Employment Awareness Month. 
Ellen Moscowitz 
President 
On behalf of The Advisory Board of The New Jersey Statewide Self Advocacy Network 
New Brunswick