WEST WINDSOR-PLAINSBORO: Kaish works to make a difference in the community

Allegra D’Adamo, West Windsor
On Nov. 3, I will be casting my vote for Michele Kaish for West Windsor-Plainsboro school board. For the past 18 years, she has worked tirelessly as a volunteer in our school district, both in and out of the classroom. She has held every board position on the PTA/PTSA executive boards across three schools and has spent the last three years working on the WW-P school board.
One of the qualities that make her an essential voice on the school board is that she always places the interests of the child front and center. Each decision that she makes takes the “whole child” into consideration and addresses multiple aspects of a student’s educational experience. Michele understands that no two children are the same — and that differentiation within the classroom is crucial for our students to succeed.
Another quality that makes Michele well suited to her position on the school board is her method of decision-making. She explores the research on a particular topic and weighs the pros and cons — with respect to both what’s best for the students and what’s financially responsible to the taxpayers — before taking a position.
In the nine years I have known and worked with Michele, I have found her always to be a woman of considerable integrity who works hard to make a difference in the school community and to make West Windsor-Plainsboro schools the best they can be for our students.
Please join me in re-electing Michele Kaish to the WW-P school board. 
Allegra D’Adamo 
West Windsor 