HILLSBOROUGH: Township Committeewoman celebrates successes of land preservation program

To the editor: 
We all benefit from the preservation of farmlands and open space. Local farms provide fresh food at a reasonable cost. Farms and open space keep property taxes down (by not being converted to houses and burdening our infrastructure and school system), and protect scenery, quality of life, and property values throughout the Township. They also preserve the environment; open space maintains wildlife habitat and undisturbed soils, and properly managed farms practice soil conservation and erosion control. Given the vulnerability of zoning to being overturned in court, preserving farmland and open space is the only guarantee against over-development.
Embracing the importance of land preservation has resulted in preserving over 30 percent (over 11,000 acres) of Hillsborough’s approximately 54 square miles. In Money Magazine, when listing Hillsborough as “One of the Best Places to Live in America,” some of the prime attractions are our active and passive recreation opportunities, our parks and open space.
Just last month, Hillsborough Township announced that it was partnering with Somerset County to preserve an additional 74 acres in the environmentally sensitive Sourland Mountain area.
Also, in which was once an avowed target of a major residential developer (who presented to residents, a plan to construct 800 homes), is the current construction of the new baseball complex, Mountain View Park, at the site of the former Belle Mead GSA Depot. The former Depot was preserved in a landmark agreement between Hillsborough Township and Somerset County with the ultimate goal to transform the site to a primary parks and recreation complex for the benefit of all Hillsborough residents.
The preservation of our farms and open space is the greatest legacy benefit we can provide our children and our grandchildren. Let us, therefore, celebrate the past and future success of our program. 
Gloria McCauley 
Township Committeewoman 
Hillsborough 