Richard Jasaitis,West Windsor
I am excited to see that Hemant Marathe, Virginia Manzari and Gerald Halloran are running for positions on the West Windsor Township Council.
I have lived in West Windsor for close to 30 years and I have seen this town go through many changes, some of which have been positive and some of which have not. What is clear to me is that Marathe, Manzari and Halloran bring a comprehensive group of leadership skills that is desperately needed at this time in the township’s history. We need people with strong skills who can manage our budget effectively and who understand how larger issues affect our school system.
I am equally disheartened to read that our representatives from Trenton wrote to endorse Miller, Borek and Hamilton, without so much as giving their constituents the courtesy of a comprehensive review of all the candidates. With all due respect, if I am not mistaken, the good senators enjoy the support they receive from our voting district; yet, they are clearly sticking their noses where they do not belong.
You only have to live, work or shop in West Windsor to know that it is common knowledge that the Democrats believe they will win solely because they will get the Democratic vote, not because people are actually listening and voting the issues. I am a proud Democrat AND I will be voting Marathe, Manzari and Halloran on Nov. 3 because this is the leadership needed in West Windsor. I want my voice to be heard.
Richard Jasaitis
West Windsor