The Freehold Regional High School District was recently recognized by the New Jersey School Public Relations Association (NJSPRA) for its #FutureReady video.
NJSPRA’s School Communication Awards recognize outstanding print and electronic collateral materials in New Jersey educational communications programs, according to a press release.
NJSPRA developed the School Communication Awards competition to recognize professional school communicators in New Jersey — and the products they develop — that go above and beyond disseminating important messages to their publics.
The FRHSD won first place in the 2015 School Communication Awards Video Category for its #FutureReady piece. The video showcases how technology is being used in the classroom and was created in response to President Barack Obama’s ConnectED Initiative, according to the press release.
Superintendent of Schools Charles Sampson was invited to attend the inaugural ConnectEd Summit at the White House in November 2014.
“The district’s #FutureReady video is an excellent snapshot of just some of the ways technology is being integrated into our classrooms. A lot of work went into producing this video and it is fantastic to have it recognized by the New Jersey School Public Relations Association,” Sampson said.
The video was produced by Howell High School’s Scott Napolitano, an entertainment technology teacher, and may be viewed at