The South Brunswick Parent Academy will take a look back at the district’s curriculum and instruction and the changes that have occurred in the last several years during the workshop “Whatever Happened to Spelling? Geography? An Enlightening and Mythbusting Retrospective on the District Curriculum 7-8:30 p.m. Nov. 2 at Crossroads North Middle School, 635 Georges Road, Monmouth Junction.
Parents may often think back to their own schooling and wonder where certain aspects of the curriculum and instruction have gone, including initiatives such as invented spelling and new math,
There will be a series of roundtable discussions. Several attendees will receive a copy of the book “Curriculum 21” by Heidi Hayes Jacobs, the companion reading for the workshop.
Childcare will be provided for children over age 3.
To register, visit and click on the South Brunswick Parent Academy icon, or email [email protected] with your name, telephone number, email address, your child’s grade and the ages of any children that may require childcare.