
MONTGOMERY: Jacey, Cavalli, Chenette and Huff win school board seats

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
At the Montgomery Township Board of Education, winners Charles F. Jacey Jr., received 1,041 votes; Richard Cavalli got 914 votes and Minkou “Minkyo” Chenette received 872 votes, respectively.
They beat out Paul Blodgett, who received 581 votes; Shannon Devine, who got 743 votes; Ranjana Rao, who earned 765 votes and Tommy L. Riggs, who got 680 votes, for the three available seats.
The term is for three years.
In the race to fill an unexpired two-year term on the Montgomery Township school board, incumbent board member Dale Huff edged challenger Phyllis Bursh, 1,173 votes to 789 votes, to keep his seat.