When the NBC drama “Blindspot” debuted in September, critics tapped the intriguing thriller as a sure thing. Centered on a beautiful amnesiac found naked, covered in fresh tattoos and zipped into a duffel bag in Times Square, gift-tagged to the FBI, the series unfolded into a twisty, action packed mystery that earned fall’s first full-season pickup.
“Everyone on set is thrilled about it,” admits Jaimie Alexander (the “Thor” film series’ Lady Sif), who plays the troubled Jane Doe, a warrior of a woman who may have life-altering ties to FBI agent Kurt Weller (Sullivan Stapleton) that trace all the way back to their childhood. “We all believe in the show, but it’s still exciting — and surprising — to learn that we’re not losing people as the plotline progresses.”
And what a plotline it is, sidestepping drawn-out conundrums, and delivering fresh plot twists as fast as it resolves others.
“I think the ‘why Jane’ concept has been a major factor in what draws people to her and the show — myself included,” Alexander says of the Monday night hit that quickly distinguished itself in broadcast’s freshman class of thrillers.
“I didn’t see the Taylor Shaw-Kurt Weller connection coming, and that’s what impresses me most about the creative team. You can conspire about what the next connection or big ‘aha’ moment is going to be, but they’re still 10 steps ahead of you!”
As fans relish trying to solve the puzzles creator Martin Gero and his team pack into each episode — including their titles — Alexander says the “Blindspot” actors float their own theories, too.
“All of the cast members like to have a bit of mystery, but we do talk about our predictions,” she says, adding that she prefers little insider knowledge for the sake of her performance. “I didn’t know about the episode titles being anagrams — that definitely came as a surprise. In fact, Ashley Johnson [who plays savvy forensic scientist Patterson] was the first to figure it out.”
While Stapleton and Alexander are winning in the thrust-and-parry that is required of their roles, Johnson, Marianne Jean-Baptiste as secretive FBI Director Bethany Mayfair and Audrey Esparza as troubled FBI agent Tasha Zapata shine in humdinger plot threads of their own — burnishing the show’s appeal to both genders.
“I’m completely energized by the female empowerment that these women and I share through our roles,” says Alexander. “It’s really refreshing to work in an environment that nurtures the notion of badass women and doesn’t only focus on the softer side. In the coming episodes, you really see each one of their storylines unfold in very unexpected ways!”
Which is good — if not unexpected — news for the show’s devoted fan base.
“I meet a lot of people who watch the show with their families, and that’s very special,” Alexander says.
“The fact that it’s bringing people together is really nice to hear. That our fans are so passionate about it is invigorating!”