Municipal alliance benefits from Flavor of Freehold

Staff Writer

FREEHOLD — Downtown Freehold and the Freehold Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse joined forces on Oct. 13-14 in an effort to raise awareness and educate the community about drug and alcohol abuse.

Downtown Freehold presents events and supports businesses in Freehold Borough.

The alliance offers programs to residents of Freehold Borough and Freehold Township.

Freehold Borough Councilwoman Sharon Shutzer, who is a member of the alliance, said Jeff Friedman, a co-chair of the alliance and a board member of Downtown Freehold, suggested that the proceeds from the Flavor of Freehold benefit the alliance.

“Downtown Freehold does three events during the year and the one in October is always for a charity,” Shutzer said.

“It’s a way for businesses to give back to the community,” Friedman said.

The alliance sponsors an annual golf outing, which Shutzer said has not been as successful in the last two years as it has been in the past.

“This partnership (with the Flavor of Freehold) was a good fit,” she said.

Sixteen businesses, including 11 restaurants, participated in the Flavor of Freehold, said Tina DeGulis, marketing and events coordinator for Downtown Freehold. About 150 people attended the event on Oct. 13 and 200 people attended on Oct. 14, according to DeGulis.

At the Nov. 2 Borough Council meeting, representatives of Downtown Freehold presented representatives of the alliance with the proceeds from the Flavor of Freehold.

“We expected the proceeds to be $2,500, but Downtown Freehold presented us with a check for $4,000. I was so touched by the amount. I know what that $4,000 can do,” Shutzer said.

The partnership will continue every October, according to Shutzer.

“We cannot arrest our way out of the drug problem. We must be proactive and educate students and parents,” the councilwoman said.

Funds will be used to expand programs in elementary, middle and high schools in Freehold Borough and Freehold Township, said John McGeehan, a co-chair of the alliance.

“We do programming for student clubs, assemblies and speakers to educate and raise awareness,” he said.

The alliance is primarily funded by the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse through the Drug Enforcement Demand Reduction Fund, said Lauren Mann, alliance coordinator.

This year’s grant was for $41,010, Mann said.

“Additional funding is supplied by Freehold Township, Freehold Borough, private donations and our annual golf outing fundraiser. So collaborating with Downtown Freehold on this wonderful event helped the alliance tremendously,” Mann said.

Downtown Freehold hosts three Flavor of Freehold events each year – in October, March and July, DeGulis said. For more information, visit

For more information about the Freehold Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse, visit