
HIGHTSTOWN: Legion Post 148 donates to state project for veteans

Hightstown American Legion Post 148 recently played host to State Commander Mike Babli’s official visit to Mercer County.
At the meeting, Mr. Babli explained the elements of his four-phase state project to aid homeless veterans at Veterans Haven North and South, and the families of those being interred at the BG William C. Doyle Cemetery, Arneytown.
The estimated cost of the project is $120,000. One hundred percent of every dollar donated is used for the project; none of the money is used for overhead, salaries or expenses.
During the meeting Doug Herrin, Mercer County commander from Hightstown Post 148, presented Mr. Babli and Bob Newell, project chair, with a donation to the state project.
The goal of the first two phases of the project is to provide passenger vans for Veterans Haven North in Glen Gardner and Veterans Haven South in Winslow Township. The Veterans Haven facilities, operated by the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, offer a haven for homeless veterans.
The goal is to ensure that homeless veterans are treated and cared for in a dignified, compassionate, and professional manner so as to reach an optimal level of independence, and aid them in re-acquiring the life skills and ability to live in the community while maintaining their self-sufficiency, dignity and honor.
Veterans Haven North operates two distinct programs: one is a transitional housing program and the second is an emergency shelter and treatment program, known as SHIELD, a 90-180 day housing program designed to assist veterans in stabilizing healthcare and financial concerns that have contributed to homelessness, and in entering supportive or permanent housing.
The transitional housing program at both locations lasts two years, offering the veterans support and training to help in securing permanent employment and housing.
The vans will be used to transport veterans from each of the facilities to VA Medical Centers, appointments, job interviews and employment opportunities. Another part of the project will provide a state-of-the-art security camera system at Veterans Haven South to ensure that only authorized personnel have access.
The final part of the project will provide a mini-van for use at the Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery to transport the Honor Guard and families of deceased veterans to the committal shelter or gravesite for the ceremony. Dedicated on May 30, 1986, the cemetery is New Jersey’s only state-operated veterans cemetery. It covers 225 acres and was designed to accommodate 154,000 veterans and their family members. Approximately 15 burials occur each business day and the cemetery is visited by thousands of people each year.
Donations are tax deductible and may be sent to The American Legion, Dept. of NJ, 135 West Hanover St., Trenton, NJ 08618.