New law will broaden safety options

We at 180 Turning Lives Around Inc. applaud the recent enactment of the Sexual Assault Survivor Protection Act of 2015, which broadens the safety options for a greater number of survivors in New Jersey.

Beginning in May 2016, survivors of this most heinous crime, which includes acts or attempted acts of sexual assault, sexual contact, and lewdness, who are not eligible for a domestic violence restraining order, may apply in state Superior Court for a restraining order against the perpetrator. No criminal charges related to the incident need to be filed for a survivor, or their guardian, to apply.

Sexual assault is any sexual contact that is forced or without consent. It is a crime committed by the perpetrator whose motive is to overpower, control, degrade and humiliate. The survivor is never at fault. Over 80 percent of sexual assaults are committed by someone who is known to the survivor. Many survivors may fear retaliation. In Monmouth County there is help available at 180 Turning Lives Around, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault. 180 offers 24/7 confidential hotlines, emergency shelter, family court assistance, safety planning, and trained advocates who accompany survivors at police stations, hospitals and family court.

Information and crisis support are available by calling our sexual violence hotline at 732-264-7273 or 888-264-7273. The domestic violence hotline is 732-264- 4111 or 888-843-9262.

Any man, woman or child can be sexually victimized. There is no acceptable reason for violence and abuse. If you or someone you know needs help, please reach out to us.

Anna Diaz-White
Executive Director
180 Turning Lives Around Inc.