The term “transparency” has certainly been used quite a bit in recent years. It largely refers to the notion that, when two or more parties agree to openly share the facts and circumstances of their dealings, trust is built. While politicians and diplomats probably most often use this term, it certainly applies to a real estate seller’s relationship with a buyer. Sellers can certainly anticipate that a buyer will enlist the services of a professional home inspector to uncover any shortcomings, problems, or needed repairs. In an effort to circumvent any possibility for disappointment, delay, and distrust, the seller should “go transparent” with his or her own presale inspection. This proactive measure puts buyer and seller on the same page.
Having a home inspection done prior to putting the property on the market and making the results available to potential buyers helps move the process along. Chances are, potential buyers will have their own inspection – but knowing that you have been forthcoming with information will make them feel more confident about their decision. Contact me today for assistance. The office is located at 1199 Amboy Ave., Edison.
HINT: If a seller’s inspection reveals the need for repairs, the seller should provide a copy of the inspection along with repair receipts, or oth- erwise indicate how he or she adjusted the price accordingly.