
HILLSBOROUGH: Scouts give anti-bullying books to library  

Last spring, Hillsborough Girl Scout Junior Troop 60645 created an anti-bullying campaign aimed at both adults and children. The girls designed and made 500special pins (using the Girl Scout colors of green and brown) to represent anti-bullying awareness. They gave out these pins at Auten Road Intermediate School and the Hillsborough Library.
In addition, the girls created posters that were displayed in the Hillsborough Municipal Building.
The troop received more than $350 in donations for the pins and the money was given to the library to buy anti-bullying books.
Laura Mellor, the Head of Youth Services, said she will be able to add 29 books on this topic to the Children’s Department. These books are available at the Hillsborough Library and include stories for children at various ages, as well as resource books for adults to aid children dealing with this issue.
For their efforts to stop bullying, and to help children who are being bullied to know that they are not alone, the troop members earned the Girl Scout Bronze Award, which is the highest award given to Juniors.
On Nov. 2, the girls were able to peruse some of the new books. They were also treated to a library tour and lesson on researching by Ms. Mellor. 