PRINCETON: Police warn residents about fake door-to-door solicitations for Crisis Ministry of Mercer County

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
The Princeton Police Department is cautioning residents to be wary of persons who are knocking on doors and asking for donations to the Crisis Ministry of Mercer County.
There have been reports of individuals fraudulently claiming to be Crisis Ministry representatives and soliciting door-to-door donations.
The Crisis Ministry of Mercer County does not conduct door-to-door solicitations, police said, and anyone who knocks on the door seeking solicitations for the nonprofit agency is not legitimate.
Residents are urged to contact the Princeton Police Department immediately if they are solicited by anyone claiming to represent the Crisis Ministry. Residents should call the Police Department at 609-921-2100.
Anyone wishing to donate to the Crisis Ministry may do so by contacting the Crisis Ministry of Mercer County at 609-396-9355, or on the web at 