EAST WINDSOR: McKnight Principal Sylvia Zircher resigns post

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
EAST WINDSOR – With the new year comes some changes in the East Windsor Regional School District as one local principal has resigned to take a new job.
Ethel McKnight School Principal Sylvia Zircher submitted her resignation just before winter break. She has accepted a new position as Director of Curriculum and Instruction K-12 at Hamilton Township Public Schools. The district is currently advertising the position in a variety of print publications and professional websites.
“As we work toward maintaining and improving upon our standards and expectations for student achievement, it is vital we find a leader who possesses the background, knowledge and skills necessary to deliver our vision and ultimately, to excel as your next principal,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Richard Katz in a letter to the parents on Dec. 23. “We are committed to filling this role with an outstanding educator who can help us realize our lofty goals.”
During the EMK PTO meeting on Tuesday night, Dr. Katz updated parents on the search process.
“While we are all very happy for her on a personal level, we also realize her departure is a loss for both the school and the East Windsor Regional School District,” he said. “I’m sorry to see Sylvia go. Obviously, we didn’t have a chance to work together for a very long period of time but I’m happy for her.”
The district is currently conducting a second round interviews and then will have a committee meeting next week to discuss potential candidates.
According to Dr. Katz’s letter, the committee will consist of representatives from the EMK Faculty/Staff, PTO, the District Leadership Team, and Board of Education, which will interview finalists. Finalist(s) will be identified by the committee and advanced to a final interview with the original central office screening panel. Each round will be progressively more rigorous and in-depth for the candidates.
Dr. Katz said if there is a successful candidate that comes out of that process, then the district could make an appointment Jan. 25.
“That would be our plan to appoint someone at that point,” he said.
Ms. Zircher has said that she will stay in her current position until mid-February to help with some of the transitioning.
“Sylvia has been absolutely tremendous in assisting me with transition,” said Dr. Katz.
After the meeting, Ms. Zircher said that leaving is “bittersweet.”
“The biggest hesitation I had when I spoke to the staff about it was that I have been here with your children, many of them since they were kindergartners and are now fifth graders,” she said. “They have already asked me if I am coming to promotion and I said yes. I will definitely be at promotion with them. They were my first class as their principal.
She said the staff always refers to itselfs at faculty meetings as family.
“I think that’s been one of the hardest things, that I’ve come to know you and your families and the children for so long,” she said. “It’s been difficult but having said that having the opportunity to pursue my career has opened my eyes to what is happening in other districts. I think I didn’t realize and I didn’t have the perspective just how much access and how fortunate we are here in East Windsor and I truly mean that. I just thought that so many things that we do here are just a given and happen everywhere.”
She said that she has been exploring districts throughout different counties she came to terms with the fact that’s not the case.
“I think that is really something to be proud of the fact that we can assess students to the point that we can without making it excessive and an interruption to instructional time that we can get such detailed information to address the needs of students,” she said.
She said the fact that they have a basic skills support program and different support levels at their middle school.
“It’s sort of come to light for me and it’s something that I definitely wanted to share with you as well,” she said.