Saint Ambrose School, Old Bridge

Saint Ambrose School is profoundly, and proudly, Catholic in character and direction. The children are the Church of tomorrow and the staff provides them with a strong foundation in their Christian faith. The most up-to-date catechetical guidelines include a special emphasis on faith formation, moral clarity, liturgical education, the power of prayer, and emulation of Christ, the ultimate Servant, as the children evolve into conscious contributors to society and the world around us. Concurrent with the religious mission is an energetic dedication to academic excellence. Saint Ambrose has a 50-year history of success as demonstrated by the consistently high standardized test scores, record of student acceptance to the best high schools in New Jersey, more than $300,000 in scholarships yearly, and the academic competition teams’ impressive number of first, second, and third place wins. The students go on to attend major universities as well, often on full or partial scholarships. Complementary to this are vigorous athletic programs and a wide variety of clubs and specialized groups. The school uses a diverse array of technological hardware and software both for instruction and research at every grade level. Resources include two computer labs, classroom computers, laptops, and Google Chromebooks. They presently share four Chromebook labs and are working to acquire a Chromebook for every student in the school via the “One for All” project. While some schools boast about including personalized education through the use of computer software, at Saint Ambrose they provide for individual differences through weekly departmental meetings to address areas of concern and close teamwork and communication between staff and parents. This approach enables pedagogic adjustments by classroom teachers who focus on various levels of competency by offering extra remedial practice or challenge/accelerated activities as indicated. Saint Ambrose School is located at 81 Throckmorton Lane, Old Bridge. For more information, call 732-679-4700.