HILLSBOROUGH: Police report seven DWI arrests 

Hillsborough police reported seven instances of driving while under the influence and related charges going back to mid-November.
— Peter Sweeney, 60, of Hillsborough was charged after his vehicle was stopped Jan. 9 by police on Auten Road. Police said his blood alcohol content was found to be 0.15 percent. He was also charged with careless driving, reckless driving, failing to signal a turn and failure to stay in one lane.
– Adam Loebs, 18, of Hillsborough was charged Jan. 1 after his vehicle was involved in a motor vehicle accident on South Branch Road. Police are awaiting a laboratory report on his blood alcohol content. He was also charged with underage DUI and failure to keep right.
– Howard Lacks, 64, of Hillsborough was charged Dec. 15 after his vehicle was stopped by police on Bloomingdale Drive. His blood alcohol content was found to be 0.17 percent, police said. He was also charged with driving an unsafe vehicle, and having improper safety glass and hazardous tires, police said. 
– Rafal Kocaj, 34, of Lake George, N.Y., was charged Nov. 26 after his vehicle was stopped by police on Route 206. He was also charged with refusing to submit to breath testing, careless driving, delaying traffic and failure to stay in one lane, wear a seatbelt and signal a turn.
 William Mayer, 56, of Belle Mead was charged after he was stopped Nov. 25 by police in the Nelson’s Corner Shopping Center on Route 206. His blood-alcohol content was released was found to be 0.16 percent.
– Carlo Tucarella, 21, of Flagtown was charged after his vehicle was involved in a motor vehicle accident on Amwell Road on Nov. 16. His blood-alcohol content from the laboratory.
– Anthony Reilly, 29, of Franklin Park was charged after his vehicle was stopped by police on Hamilton Road on Nov. 15. His blood-alcohol content was found to be 0.13 percent, police said. Reilly was also charged with speeding, and failure to produce a valid registration card.
In all instances, the accused was released pending a court appearance.